Title 29

PART 1691

Part 1691 - Procedures For Complaints Of Employment Discrimination Filed Against Recipients Of Federal Financial Assistance

PART 1691 - PROCEDURES FOR COMPLAINTS OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION FILED AGAINST RECIPIENTS OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Authority:E.O. 12250, 45 FR 72995 (November 4, 1980) and E.O. 12067, 43 FR 28967 (June 30, 1978). Source:48 FR 3574, Jan. 25, 1983, unless otherwise noted.

29: 1691.1
   1691.1 Purpose and application.
29: 1691.2
   1691.2 Exchange of information.
29: 1691.3
   1691.3 Confidentiality.
29: 1691.4
   1691.4 Standards for investigation, reviews and hearings.
29: 1691.5
   1691.5 Agency processing of complaints of employment discrimination.
29: 1691.6
   1691.6 General rules concerning EEOC action on complaints.
29: 1691.7
   1691.7 EEOC dismissals of complaints.
29: 1691.8
   1691.8 Agency action on complaints dismissed by EEOC.
29: 1691.9
   1691.9 EEOC reasonable cause determinations and conciliation efforts.
29: 1691.10
   1691.10 Agency enforcement of unresolved complaints.
29: 1691.11
   1691.11 EEOC negotiated settlements and conciliation agreements.
29: 1691.12
   1691.12 Interagency consultation.
29: 1691.13
   1691.13 Definitions.