Title 29

PART 1608

Part 1608 - Affirmative Action Appropriate Under Title Vii Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964, As Amended

PART 1608 - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION APPROPRIATE UNDER TITLE VII OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, AS AMENDED Authority:Sec. 713 the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000e-12, 78 Stat. 265. Source:44 FR 4422, Jan. 19, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

29: 1608.1
   1608.1 Statement of purpose.
29: 1608.2
   1608.2 Written interpretation and opinion.
29: 1608.3
   1608.3 Circumstances under which voluntary affirmative action is appropriate.
29: 1608.4
   1608.4 Establishing affirmative action plans.
29: 1608.5
   1608.5 Affirmative action compliance programs under Executive Order No. 11246, as amended.
29: 1608.6
   1608.6 Affirmative action plans which are part of Commission conciliation or settlement agreements.
29: 1608.7
   1608.7 Affirmative action plans or programs under State or local law.
29: 1608.8
   1608.8 Adherence to court order.
29: 1608.9
   1608.9 Reliance on directions of other government agencies.
29: 1608.10
   1608.10 Standard of review.
29: 1608.11
   1608.11 Limitations on the application of these guidelines.
29: 1608.12
   1608.12 Equal employment opportunity plans adopted pursuant to section 717 of title VII.