Title 29

PART 1601

Part 1601 - Procedural Regulations

PART 1601 - PROCEDURAL REGULATIONS Authority:29 U.S.C. 621-634; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note; 5 U.S.C. 301; Pub. L. 99-502; 100 Stat. 3341; Secretary's Order No. 10-68; Secretary's Order No. 11-68; sec. 2 Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1978, 43 FR 19807; Executive Order 12067, 43 FR 28967. Source:42 FR 55388, Oct. 14, 1977, unless otherwise noted.

29: 1601.1
   1601.1 Purpose.
29: A
Subpart A - Definitions
29: 1601.2
   1601.2 Terms defined in title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.
29: 1601.3
   1601.3 Other definitions.
29: 1601.4
   1601.4 Vice Chair's functions.
29: 1601.5
   1601.5 District; field; area; local authority.
29: B
Subpart B - Procedure for the Prevention of Unlawful Employment Practices
29: 17
   Investigation of a Charge
29: 1601.6
   1601.6 Submission of information.
29: 1601.7
   1601.7 Charges by or on behalf of persons claiming to be aggrieved.
29: 1601.8
   1601.8 Where to make a charge.
29: 1601.9
   1601.9 Form of charge.
29: 1601.10
   1601.10 Withdrawal of a charge by a person claiming to be aggrieved.
29: 1601.11
   1601.11 Charges by members of the Commission.
29: 1601.12
   1601.12 Contents of charge; amendment of charge.
29: 1601.13
   1601.13 Filing; deferrals to State and local agencies.
29: 1601.14
   1601.14 Service of charge or notice of charge.
29: 1601.15
   1601.15 Investigative authority.
29: 1601.16
   1601.16 Access to and production of evidence; testimony of witnesses; procedure and authority.
29: 1601.17
   1601.17 Witnesses for public hearings.
29: 18
   Procedure Following Filing of a Charge
29: 1601.18
   1601.18 Dismissal: Procedure and authority.
29: 1601.19
   1601.19 No cause determinations: Procedure and authority.
29: 1601.20
   1601.20 Negotiated settlement.
29: 1601.21
   1601.21 Reasonable cause determination: Procedure and authority.
29: 1601.22
   1601.22 Confidentiality.
29: 19
   Procedure To Rectify Unlawful Employment Practices
29: 1601.23
   1601.23 Preliminary or temporary relief.
29: 1601.24
   1601.24 Conciliation: Procedure and authority.
29: 1601.25
   1601.25 Failure of conciliation; notice.
29: 1601.26
   1601.26 Confidentiality of endeavors.
29: 20
   Procedure Concerning the Institution of Civil Actions
29: 1601.27
   1601.27 Civil actions by the Commission.
29: 1601.28
   1601.28 Notice of right to sue: Procedure and authority.
29: 1601.29
   1601.29 Referral to the Attorney General.
29: C
Subpart C - Notices to Employees, Applicants for Employment and Union Members
29: 1601.30
   1601.30 Notices to be posted.
29: D
Subpart D - Construction of Rules
29: 1601.34
   1601.34 Rules to be liberally construed.
29: E
Subpart E - Issuance, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules
29: 1601.35
   1601.35 Petitions.
29: 1601.36
   1601.36 Action on petition.
29: F
Subpart F [Reserved]
29: G
Subpart G - FEP Agency Designation Procedures
29: 1601.70
   1601.70 FEP agency qualifications.
29: 1601.71
   1601.71 FEP agency notification.
29: 1601.72-1601.73
   1601.72-1601.73 [Reserved]
29: 1601.74
   1601.74 Designated and notice agencies.
29: 1601.75
   1601.75 Certification of designated FEP agencies.
29: 1601.76
   1601.76 Right of party to request review.
29: 1601.77
   1601.77 Review by the Commission.
29: 1601.78
   1601.78 Evaluation of designated FEP agencies certified by the Commission.
29: 1601.79
   1601.79 Revocation of certification.
29: 1601.80
   1601.80 Certified designated FEP agencies.
29: H
Subpart H - Title VII Interpretations and Opinions by the Commission
29: 1601.91
   1601.91 Request for title VII interpretation or opinion.
29: 1601.92
   1601.92 Contents of request; where to file.
29: 1601.93
   1601.93 Opinions - title VII.