Title 29

PART 1430

Part 1430 - Federal Mediation And Conciliation Service Advisory Committees

PART 1430 - FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION SERVICE ADVISORY COMMITTEES Authority:Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770 (5 U.S.C. App.). Source:39 FR 9433, Mar. 11, 1974, unless otherwise noted.

29: 1430.1
   1430.1 Scope and purpose.
29: 1430.2
   1430.2 Definitions.
29: 1430.3
   1430.3 Establishment of advisory committees.
29: 1430.4
   1430.4 Filing of advisory committee charter.
29: 1430.5
   1430.5 Termination of advisory committees.
29: 1430.6
   1430.6 Renewal of advisory committees.
29: 1430.7
   1430.7 Application of the Freedom of Information Act to advisory committee functions.
29: 1430.8
   1430.8 Advisory committee meetings.
29: 1430.9
   1430.9 Agency management of advisory committees.