Title 29

PART 1425

Part 1425 - Mediation Assistance In The Federal Service

PART 1425 - MEDIATION ASSISTANCE IN THE FEDERAL SERVICE Authority:5 U.S.C. 581(8), 7119, 7134. Source:45 FR 62798, Sept. 22, 1980, unless otherwise noted.

29: 1425.1
   1425.1 Definitions.
29: 1425.2
   1425.2 Notice to the Service of agreement negotiations.
29: 1425.3
   1425.3 Functions of the Service under title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act.
29: 1425.4
   1425.4 Duty of parties.
29: 1425.5
   1425.5 Referral to FSIP.
29: 1425.6
   1425.6 Use of third-party mediation assistance.