Title 29
PART 1405
Part 1405 - Part-time Employment
- Authority: Pub. L. 95-437, Federal Employees Part-time Career Employment Act of 1978.
- Source: 47 FR 15779, Apr. 13, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
29: | SUBPART A | Subpart A - General | |
29: | SECTION 1405.1 | 1405.1 Purpose. | |
29: | SECTION 1405.2 | 1405.2 Policy. | |
29: | SECTION 1405.3 | 1405.3 Definition. | |
29: | SECTION 1405.4 | 1405.4 Applicability. | |
29: | SUBPART B | Subpart B - Part-time Employment Program | |
29: | SECTION 1405.6 | 1405.6 Program coordination. | |
29: | SECTION 1405.7 | 1405.7 Goals and timetables. | |
29: | SECTION 1405.8 | 1405.8 Reporting. | |
29: | SECTION 1405.9 | 1405.9 Part-time employment practices. | |
29: | SECTION 1405.10 | 1405.10 Effect on employment ceilings. | |
29: | SECTION 1405.11 | 1405.11 Effect on employee benefits. |