Title 29

PART 1401

Part 1401 - Public Information

PART 1401 - PUBLIC INFORMATION Authority:Sec. 202, 61 Stat. 136, as amended; 5 U.S.C. 552. Source:40 FR 8169, Feb. 26, 1975, unless otherwise noted.

29: A
Subpart A - Information in Response to Subpoenas
29: 1401.1
   1401.1 Purpose and scope.
29: 1401.2
   1401.2 Production of records or testimony by FMCS employees.
29: 1401.3
   1401.3 Procedure in the event of a demand for production, disclosure, or testimony.
29: B
Subpart B - Production or Disclosure of Information
29: 1401.20
   1401.20 Purpose and scope.
29: 1401.21
   1401.21 Information policy.
29: 1401.22
   1401.22 Partial disclosure of records.
29: 1401.23
   1401.23 Preparation of new records.
29: 1401.30
   1401.30 Applicability of procedures.
29: 1401.31
   1401.31 Filing a request for records.
29: 1401.32
   1401.32 Logging of written requests.
29: 1401.33
   1401.33 Description of information requested.
29: 1401.34
   1401.34 Time for processing requests.
29: 1401.35
   1401.35 Appeals from denials of request.
29: 1401.36
   1401.36 Freedom of Information Act fee schedules.