Title 29

PART 1400

Part 1400 - Standards Of Conduct, Responsibilities, And Discipline

PART 1400 - STANDARDS OF CONDUCT, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND DISCIPLINE Authority:E.O. 11222, 30 FR 6469, 3 CFR, 1965 Supp.; 5 CFR 735.104. Source:33 FR 5765, Apr. 13, 1968, unless otherwise noted.

29: A
Subpart A - General
29: 1400.735-3
   1400.735-3 Advice and counseling service.
29: B
Subpart B - Employees: Ethical and Other Conduct and Responsibilities
29: 1400.735-12
   1400.735-12 Outside employment, business activities, or interests (paid or unpaid).
29: 1400.735-19
   1400.735-19 Influencing Members of Congress.
29: 1400.735-20
   1400.735-20 Code of Professional Conduct for Labor Mediators.
29: 1400.735-21
   1400.735-21 Miscellaneous statutory provisions.
29: F
Subpart F - Disciplinary Actions and Penalties
29: 1400.735-60
   1400.735-60 Disciplinary actions.
29: 1400.735-61
   1400.735-61 Notice to and appeal of employee.
   Appendix to Part 1400 - Code of Professional Conduct for Labor Mediators