Title 29

PART 101

Part 101 - Statements Of Procedures

PART 101 - STATEMENTS OF PROCEDURES Authority:Sec. 6 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 151, 156), and sec. 552(a) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 552(a)). Section 101.14 also issued under sec. 2112(a)(1) of Pub. L. 100-236, 28 U.S.C. 2112(a)(1). Source:52 FR 23968, June 26, 1987, unless otherwise noted.

29: A
Subpart A - General Statement
29: 101.1
   101.1 General statement.
29: B
Subpart B - Unfair Labor Practice Cases Under Section 10 (a) to (i) of the Act and Telegraph Merger Act Cases
29: 101.2
   101.2 Initiation of unfair labor practice cases.
29: 101.3
   101.3 [Reserved]
29: 101.4
   101.4 Investigation of charges.
29: 101.5
   101.5 Withdrawal of charges.
29: 101.6
   101.6 Dismissal of charges and appeals to the General Counsel.
29: 101.7
   101.7 Settlements.
29: 101.8
   101.8 Complaints.
29: 101.9
   101.9 Settlement after issuance of complaint.
29: 101.10
   101.10 Hearings.
29: 101.11
   101.11 Administrative law judge's decision.
29: 101.12
   101.12 Board decision and order.
29: 101.13
   101.13 Compliance with Board decision and order.
29: 101.14
   101.14 Judicial review of Board decision and order.
29: 101.15
   101.15 Compliance with court judgment.
29: 101.16
   101.16 Backpay proceedings.
29: C
Subpart C [Reserved]
29: D
Subpart D - Unfair Labor Practice and Representation Cases Under Sections 8(b)(7) and 9(c) of the Act
29: 101.22
   101.22 Initiation and investigation of a case under section 8(b)(7).
29: 101.23
   101.23 Initiation and investigation of a petition in connection with a case under section 8(b)(7).
29: 101.24
   101.24 Final disposition of a charge which has been held pending investigation of the petition.
29: 101.25
   101.25 Appeal from the dismissal of a petition, or from the refusal to process it under the expedited procedure.
29: E
Subpart E - Referendum Cases Under Section 9(e) (1) and (2) of the Act
29: 101.26
   101.26 Initiation of rescission of authority cases.
29: 101.27
   101.27 Investigation of petition; withdrawals and dismissals.
29: 101.28
   101.28 Consent agreements providing for election.
29: 101.29
   101.29 Procedure respecting election conducted without hearing.
29: 101.30
   101.30 Formal hearing and procedure respecting election conducted after hearing.
29: F
Subpart F - Jurisdictional Dispute Cases Under Section 10(k) of the Act
29: 101.31
   101.31 Initiation of proceedings to hear and determine jurisdictional disputes under section 10(k).
29: 101.32
   101.32 Investigation of charges; withdrawal of charges; dismissal of charges and appeals to Board.
29: 101.33
   101.33 Initiation of formal action; settlement.
29: 101.34
   101.34 Hearing.
29: 101.35
   101.35 Procedure before the Board.
29: 101.36
   101.36 Compliance with determination; further proceedings.
29: G
Subpart G - Procedure Under Section 10 (j) and (l) of the Act
29: 101.37
   101.37 Application for temporary relief or restraining orders.
29: 101.38
   101.38 Change of circumstances.
29: H
Subpart H - Advisory Opinions and Declaratory Orders Regarding Board Jurisdiction
29: 101.39
   101.39 Initiation of advisory opinion case.
29: 101.40
   101.40 Proceedings following the filing of the petition.
29: 101.41
   101.41 Informal procedures for obtaining opinions on jurisdictional questions.
29: 101.42
   101.42 Procedures for obtaining declaratory orders of the Board.
29: 101.43
   101.43 Proceedings following the filing of the petition.