| Subpart A - Procedures for Disclosure of Records Under the Freedom of Information Act | |
28: | SECTION 16.1
| 16.1 General provisions. | |
28: | SECTION 16.2
| 16.2 Proactive disclosure of Department records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.3
| 16.3 Requirements for making requests. | |
28: | SECTION 16.4
| 16.4 Responsibility for responding to requests. | |
28: | SECTION 16.5
| 16.5 Timing of responses to requests. | |
28: | SECTION 16.6
| 16.6 Responses to requests. | |
28: | SECTION 16.7
| 16.7 Confidential commercial information. | |
28: | SECTION 16.8
| 16.8 Administrative appeals. | |
28: | SECTION 16.9
| 16.9 Preservation of records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.10
| 16.10 Fees. | |
28: | SECTION 16.11
| 16.11 Other rights and services. | |
| Subpart B - Production or Disclosure in Federal and State Proceedings | |
28: | SECTION 16.21
| 16.21 Purpose and scope. | |
28: | SECTION 16.22
| 16.22 General prohibition of production or disclosure in Federal and State proceedings in which the United States is not a party. | |
28: | SECTION 16.23
| 16.23 General disclosure authority in Federal and State proceedings in which the United States is a party. | |
28: | SECTION 16.24
| 16.24 Procedure in the event of a demand where disclosure is not otherwise authorized. | |
28: | SECTION 16.25
| 16.25 Final action by the Deputy or Associate Attorney General. | |
28: | SECTION 16.26
| 16.26 Considerations in determining whether production or disclosure should be made pursuant to a demand. | |
28: | SECTION 16.27
| 16.27 Procedure in the event a department decision concerning a demand is not made prior to the time a response to the demand is required. | |
28: | SECTION 16.28
| 16.28 Procedure in the event of an adverse ruling. | |
28: | SECTION 16.29
| 16.29 Delegation by Assistant Attorneys General. | |
| Appendix to Subpart B of Part 16 - Redelegation of Authority to the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Litigation, Antitrust Division, To Authorize Production or Disclosure of Material or Information | |
| Subpart C - Production of FBI Identification Records in Response to Written Requests by Subjects Thereof | |
28: | SECTION 16.30
| 16.30 Purpose and scope. | |
28: | SECTION 16.31
| 16.31 Definition of identification record. | |
28: | SECTION 16.32
| 16.32 Procedure to obtain an identification record. | |
28: | SECTION 16.33
| 16.33 Fee for production of identification record. | |
28: | SECTION 16.34
| 16.34 Procedure to obtain change, correction or updating of identification records. | |
| Subpart D - Protection of Privacy and Access to Individual Records Under the Privacy Act of 1974 | |
28: | SECTION 16.40
| 16.40 General provisions. | |
28: | SECTION 16.41
| 16.41 Requests for access to records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.42
| 16.42 Responsibility for responding to requests for access to records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.43
| 16.43 Responses to requests for access to records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.44
| 16.44 Classified information. | |
28: | SECTION 16.45
| 16.45 Appeals from denials of requests for access to records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.46
| 16.46 Requests for amendment or correction of records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.47
| 16.47 Requests for an accounting of record disclosures. | |
28: | SECTION 16.48
| 16.48 Preservation of records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.49
| 16.49 Fees. | |
28: | SECTION 16.50
| 16.50 Notice of court-ordered and emergency disclosures. | |
28: | SECTION 16.51
| 16.51 Security of systems of records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.52
| 16.52 Contracts for the operation of record systems. | |
28: | SECTION 16.53
| 16.53 Use and collection of social security numbers. | |
28: | SECTION 16.54
| 16.54 Employee standards of conduct. | |
28: | SECTION 16.55
| 16.55 Other rights and services. | |
| Subpart E - Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act | |
28: | SECTION 16.70
| 16.70 Exemption of the Office of the Attorney General System - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.71
| 16.71 Exemption of the Office of the Deputy Attorney General System - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.72
| 16.72 Exemption of Office of the Associate Attorney General System - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.73
| 16.73 Exemption of Office of Legal Policy System - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.74
| 16.74 Exemption of National Security Division Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.75
| 16.75 Exemption of the Office of the Inspector General Systems/Limited Access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.76
| 16.76 Exemption of Justice Management Division. | |
28: | SECTION 16.77
| 16.77 Exemption of U.S. Trustee Program System - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.78
| 16.78 Exemption of the Special Counsel for Immigration-Related, Unfair Employment Practices Systems. | |
28: | SECTION 16.79
| 16.79 Exemption of Pardon Attorney System. | |
28: | SECTION 16.80
| 16.80 Exemption of Office of Professional Responsibility System - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.81
| 16.81 Exemption of United States Attorneys Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.82
| 16.82 Exemption of the National Drug Intelligence Center Data Base - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.83
| 16.83 Exemption of the Executive Office for Immigration Review System - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.84
| 16.84 Exemption of Immigration Appeals System. | |
28: | SECTION 16.85
| 16.85 Exemption of U.S. Parole Commission - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.88
| 16.88 Exemption of Antitrust Division Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.89
| 16.89 Exemption of Civil Division Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.90
| 16.90 Exemption of Civil Rights Division Systems. | |
28: | SECTION 16.91
| 16.91 Exemption of Criminal Division Systems - limited access, as indicated. | |
28: | SECTION 16.92
| 16.92 Exemption of Environment and Natural Resources Division Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.93
| 16.93 Exemption of Tax Division Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.96
| 16.96 Exemption of Federal Bureau of Investigation Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.97
| 16.97 Exemption of Bureau of Prisons Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.98
| 16.98 Exemption of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Systems - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.99
| 16.99 Exemption of the Immigration and Naturalization Service Systems-limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.100
| 16.100 Exemption of Office of Justice Programs - limited access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.101
| 16.101 Exemption of U.S. Marshals Service Systems - limited access, as indicated. | |
28: | SECTION 16.102
| 16.102 Exemption of Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Naturalization Service Joint System of Records. | |
28: | SECTION 16.103
| 16.103 Exemption of the INTERPOL-United States National Central Bureau (INTERPOL-USNCB) System. | |
28: | SECTION 16.104
| 16.104 Exemption of Office of Special Counsel - Waco System. | |
28: | SECTION 16.105
| 16.105 Exemption of Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force System. | |
28: | SECTION 16.106
| 16.106 Exemption of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) - Limited Access. | |
28: | SECTION 16.130
| 16.130 Exemption of Department of Justice Systems: Correspondence Management Systems for the Department of Justice (DOJ-003); Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act and Mandatory Declassification Review Requests and Administrative Appeals for the Department of Justice (DOJ-004). | |
28: | SECTION 16.131
| 16.131 Exemption of Department of Justice (DOJ)/Nationwide Joint Automated Booking System (JABS), DOJ-005. | |
28: | SECTION 16.132
| 16.132 Exemption of Department of Justice System - Personnel Investigation and Security Clearance Records for the Department of Justice (DOJ), DOJ-006. | |
28: | SECTION 16.133
| 16.133 Exemption of Department of Justice Regional Data Exchange System (RDEX), DOJ-012. | |
28: | SECTION 16.134
| 16.134 Exemption of Debt Collection Enforcement System, Justice/DOJ-016. | |
28: | SECTION 16.135
| 16.135 Exemptions of Executive Office for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces Systems. | |
28: | SECTION 16.136
| 16.136 Exemption of the Department of Justice, Giglio Information System, Justice/DOJ-017. | |
28: | SECTION 16.137
| 16.137 Exemption of the Department of Justice Insider Threat Program Records - limited access. | |
| Subpart F - Public Observation of Parole Commission Meetings | |
28: | SECTION 16.200
| 16.200 Definitions. | |
28: | SECTION 16.201
| 16.201 Voting by the Commissioners without joint deliberation. | |
28: | SECTION 16.202
| 16.202 Open meetings. | |
28: | SECTION 16.203
| 16.203 Closed meetings - Formal procedure. | |
28: | SECTION 16.204
| 16.204 Public notice. | |
28: | SECTION 16.205
| 16.205 Closed meetings - Informal procedures. | |
28: | SECTION 16.206
| 16.206 Transcripts, minutes, and miscellaneous documents concerning Commission meetings. | |
28: | SECTION 16.207
| 16.207 Public access to nonexempt transcripts and minutes of closed Commission meetings - Documents used at meetings - Record retention. | |
28: | SECTION 16.208
| 16.208 Annual report. | |
| Subpart G - Access to Documents by Former Employees of the Department | |
28: | SECTION 16.300
| 16.300 Access to documents for the purpose of responding to an official inquiry. | |
28: | SECTION 16.301
| 16.301 Limitations. | |
28: | APPENDIX Appendix I
| Appendix I to Part 16 - Components of the Department of Justice | |