Title 26
Subpart - Withholding of Tax Source: T.D. 6273, 22 FR 9530, Nov. 28, 1957; 25 FR 14022, Dec. 31, 1960, unless otherwise noted.
- 26 U.S.C. 7805.
- Source:
26: | SUBJGRP 2 | Taxable Years Beginning After December 31, 1966, or Dividends, Interest, And Royalties Paid on or After August 11, 1968 | |
26: | SECTION 514.1 | 514.1 Introductory. | |
26: | SECTION 514.2 | 514.2 Dividends. | |
26: | SECTION 514.3 | 514.3 Dividends received by addressee not actual owner. | |
26: | SECTION 514.4 | 514.4 Interest. | |
26: | SECTION 514.5 | 514.5 Patent and copyright royalties and film rentals. | |
26: | SECTION 514.6 | 514.6 Private pensions and life annuities. | |
26: | SECTION 514.7 | 514.7 Beneficiaries of a domestic estate or trust. | |
26: | SECTION 514.8 | 514.8 Release of excess tax withheld at source. | |
26: | SECTION 514.9 | 514.9 Refund of excess tax withheld. | |
26: | SECTION 514.10 | 514.10 Effective date. | |
26: | SECTION 514.22 | 514.22 Dividends received by persons not entitled to reduced rate of tax. |