Title 25


Subpart C - Salary Offset

25: 513.30
   513.30 When may the Commission use salary offset to collect debts
25: 513.31
   513.31 What notice will the Commission, as the creditor agency, give a debtor that salary offset will occur
25: 513.32
   513.32 What are the hearing procedures when the Commission is the creditor agency
25: 513.33
   513.33 Will the Commission issue a certification when the Commission is the creditor agency
25: 513.34
   513.34 What opportunity is there for a voluntary repayment agreement when the Commission is the creditor agency
25: 513.35
   513.35 What special review is available when the Commission is the creditor agency
25: 513.36
   513.36 Under what conditions will the Commission refund amounts collected by salary offset
25: 513.37
   513.37 What will the Commission do as the paying agency