Title 25

PART 308

Part 308 - Regulations For Use Of Certificates Of The Indian Arts And Crafts Board To Be Attached To Their Trade-marks By Indian Enterprises Concerned With The Production And Sale Of Genuine Handicrafts

PART 308 - REGULATIONS FOR USE OF CERTIFICATES OF THE INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS BOARD TO BE ATTACHED TO THEIR TRADE-MARKS BY INDIAN ENTERPRISES CONCERNED WITH THE PRODUCTION AND SALE OF GENUINE HANDICRAFTS Authority:Sec. 3, 49 Stat. 892 (25 U.S.C. 305b). Interpret or apply sec. 2, 49 Stat. 891, as amended (25 U.S.C. 305a). Source:8 FR 8736, June 26, 1943, unless otherwise noted.

25: 308.1
   308.1 Penalties.
25: 308.2
   308.2 Certificates of genuineness to be attached to trade-marks.
25: 308.3
   308.3 Conditions of eligibility to attach certificates.
25: 308.4
   308.4 Revocation of privilege of attaching certificates.