Title 25

PART 304

Part 304 - Navajo, Pueblo, And Hopi Silver, Use Of Government Mark

PART 304 - NAVAJO, PUEBLO, AND HOPI SILVER, USE OF GOVERNMENT MARK Authority:Sec. 3, 49 Stat. 892; 25 U.S.C. 305b. Interpret or apply sec. 2, 49 Stat. 891, as amended; 25 U.S.C. 305a. Source:The provisions of this part 304 contained in regulations governing use of Government mark on Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver, April 2, 1937, unless otherwise noted.

25: 304.1
   304.1 Penalties for imitation or unauthorized use.
25: 304.2
   304.2 Marking and ownership of dies.
25: 304.3
   304.3 Classifying and marking of silver.
25: 304.4
   304.4 Standards and additional requirements.
25: 304.5
   304.5 Dies to identify tribe.
25: 304.6
   304.6 Responsibility of dealer.
25: 304.7
   304.7 Eligibility of silver meeting standards.
25: 304.8
   304.8 Use of label by dealer.
25: 304.9
   304.9 Placards; display of regulations.