Title 25


Subpart C - Obtaining a Right-of-Way

25: 231
25: 169.101
   169.101 How do I obtain a right-of-way across tribal or individually owned Indian land or BIA land
25: 169.102
   169.102 What must an application for a right-of-way include
25: 169.103
   169.103 What bonds, insurance, or other security must accompany the application
25: 169.104
   169.104 What is the release process for a bond or alternative form of security
25: 169.105
   169.105 What requirements for due diligence must a right-of-way grant include
25: 232
Consent Requirements
25: 169.106
   169.106 How does an applicant identify and contact individual Indian landowners to negotiate a right-of-way
25: 169.107
   169.107 Must I obtain tribal or individual Indian landowner consent for a right-of-way across Indian land
25: 169.108
   169.108 Who is authorized to consent to a right-of-way
25: 169.109
   169.109 Whose consent do I need for a right-of-way when there is a life estate on the tract
25: 233
Compensation Requirements
25: 169.110
   169.110 How much monetary compensation must be paid for a right-of-way over or across tribal land
25: 169.111
   169.111 Must a right-of-way grant for tribal land provide for compensation reviews or adjustments
25: 169.112
   169.112 How much monetary compensation must be paid for a right-of-way over or across individually owned Indian land
25: 169.113
   169.113 Must a right-of-way grant for individually owned Indian land provide for compensation reviews or adjustments
25: 169.114
   169.114 How will BIA determine fair market value for a right-of-way
25: 169.115
   169.115 When are monetary compensation payments due under a right-of-way
25: 169.116
   169.116 Must a right-of-way specify who receives monetary compensation payments
25: 169.117
   169.117 What form of monetary compensation is acceptable under a right-of-way
25: 169.118
   169.118 May the right-of-way provide for non-monetary or varying types of compensation
25: 169.119
   169.119 Will BIA notify a grantee when a payment is due for a right-of-way
25: 169.120
   169.120 What other types of payments are required for a right-of-way
25: 169.121
   169.121 How will compensation be distributed among the life tenants and owners of the remainder interests
25: 169.122
   169.122 Who does the grantee pay if there is a life estate on the tract
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Grants of Rights-of-Way
25: 169.123
   169.123 What is the process for BIA to grant a right-of-way
25: 169.124
   169.124 How will BIA determine whether to grant a right-of-way
25: 169.125
   169.125 What will the grant of right-of-way contain
25: 169.126
   169.126 May a right-of-way contain a preference consistent with tribal law for employment of tribal members
25: 169.127
   169.127 Is a new right-of-way grant required for a new use within or overlapping an existing right-of-way
25: 169.128
   169.128 When will BIA grant a right-of-way for a new use within or overlapping an existing right-of-way
25: 169.129
   169.129 What is required if the location described in the original application and grant differs from the construction location
25: 169.130
   169.130 Must a right-of-way grant address ownership of permanent improvements