Title 25

PART 101

Part 101 - Loans To Indians From The Revolving Loan Fund

PART 101 - LOANS TO INDIANS FROM THE REVOLVING LOAN FUND Authority:25 U.S.C. 1469. Source:40 FR 3587, Jan. 23, 1975, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 47 FR 13327, Mar. 30, 1982.

25: 101.1
   101.1 Definitions.
25: 101.2
   101.2 Kinds of loans.
25: 101.3
   101.3 Eligible borrowers under United States direct loan program.
25: 101.4
   101.4 Applications.
25: 101.5
   101.5 Approval of loans.
25: 101.6
   101.6 Modification of loans.
25: 101.7
   101.7 Management and technical assistance.
25: 101.8
   101.8 Environmental and Flood Disaster Acts.
25: 101.9
   101.9 Preservation of historical and archeological data.
25: 101.10
   101.10 Federal Reserve Regulation Z and Fair Credit Reporting Act.
25: 101.11
   101.11 Interest.
25: 101.12
   101.12 Records and reports.
25: 101.13
   101.13 Security.
25: 101.14
   101.14 Maturity.
25: 101.15
   101.15 Penalties on default.
25: 101.16
   101.16 Default on loans made by relending organizations.
25: 101.17
   101.17 Uncollectable loans made by the United States.
25: 101.18
   101.18 Uncollectible loans made by relending organizations.
25: 101.19
   101.19 Assignment of loans.
25: 101.20
   101.20 Relending by borrower.
25: 101.21
   101.21 Repayments on United States direct loans.
25: 101.22
   101.22 Repayments on loans made by relending organizations.
25: 101.23
   101.23 Approval of articles of association and bylaws.
25: 101.24
   101.24 Loans for expert assistance for preparation and trial of Indian claims.
25: 101.25
   101.25 Information collection.