Title 25


Subpart S - Conflicts of Interest

25: 1000.460
   1000.460 What is an organizational conflict of interest
25: 1000.461
   1000.461 What must a Tribe/Consortium do if an organizational conflict of interest arises under an AFA
25: 1000.462
   1000.462 When must a Tribe/Consortium regulate its employees or subcontractors to avoid a personal conflict of interest
25: 1000.463
   1000.463 What types of personal conflicts of interest involving tribal officers, employees or subcontractors would have to be regulated by a Tribe/Consortium
25: 1000.464
   1000.464 What personal conflicts of interest must the standards of conduct regulate
25: 1000.465
   1000.465 May a Tribe/Consortium negotiate AFA provisions on conflicts of interest to take the place of this subpart
25: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 1000 - Model Compact of Self-Governance Between the Tribe and the Department of the Interior