Title 25


Subpart J - Waiver of Regulations

25: 1000.220
   1000.220 What regulations apply to self-governance Tribes
25: 1000.221
   1000.221 Can the Secretary grant a waiver of regulations to a Tribe/Consortium
25: 1000.222
   1000.222 How does a Tribe/Consortium obtain a waiver
25: 1000.223
   1000.223 When can a Tribe/Consortium request a waiver of a regulation
25: 1000.224
   1000.224 How can a Tribe/Consortium expedite the review of a regulation waiver request
25: 1000.225
   1000.225 Are meetings or discussions mandatory
25: 1000.226
   1000.226 On what basis may the Secretary deny a waiver request
25: 1000.227
   1000.227 What happens if the Secretary denies the waiver request
25: 1000.228
   1000.228 What are examples of waivers prohibited by law
25: 1000.229
   1000.229 May a Tribe/Consortium propose a substitute for a regulation it wishes to be waived
25: 1000.230
   1000.230 How is a waiver approval documented for the record
25: 1000.231
   1000.231 How does a Tribe/Consortium request reconsideration of the Secretary's denial of a waiver
25: 1000.232
   1000.232 When must DOI respond to a request for reconsideration