Title 25


Subpart C - Section 402(d) Planning and Negotiation Grants

25: 66
Purpose and Types of Grants
25: 1000.40
   1000.40 What is the purpose of this subpart
25: 1000.41
   1000.41 What types of grants are available
25: 67
Availability, Amount, and Number of Grants
25: 1000.42
   1000.42 Will grants always be made available to meet the planning phase requirement as described in section 402(d) of the Act
25: 1000.43
   1000.43 May a Tribe/Consortium use its own resources to meet its self-governance planning and negotiation expenses
25: 1000.44
   1000.44 What happens if there are insufficient funds to meet the Tribal requests for planning/negotiation grants in any given year
25: 1000.45
   1000.45 How many grants will the Department make each year and what funding will be available
25: 68
Selection Criteria
25: 1000.46
   1000.46 Which Tribes/Consortia may be selected to receive a negotiation grant
25: 1000.47
   1000.47 What must a Tribe/Consortium do to receive a negotiation grant
25: 1000.48
   1000.48 What must a Tribe do if it does not wish to receive a negotiation grant
25: 69
Advance Planning Grant Funding
25: 1000.49
   1000.49 Who can apply for an advance planning grant
25: 1000.50
   1000.50 What must a Tribe/Consortium seeking a planning grant submit in order to meet the planning phase requirements
25: 1000.51
   1000.51 How will Tribes/Consortia know when and how to apply for planning grants
25: 1000.52
   1000.52 What criteria will the Director use to award advance planning grants
25: 1000.53
   1000.53 Can Tribes/Consortia that receive advance planning grants also apply for a negotiation grant
25: 1000.54
   1000.54 How will a Tribe/Consortium know whether or not it has been selected to receive an advance planning grant
25: 1000.55
   1000.55 Can a Tribe/Consortium appeal within DOI the Director's decision not to award a grant under this subpart