Title 24

PART 902

Part 902 - Public Housing Assessment System

PART 902 - PUBLIC HOUSING ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Authority:42 U.S.C. 1437d(j), 42 U.S.C. 3535(d). Source:76 FR 10149, Feb. 23, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

24: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
24: 902.1
   902.1 Purpose, scope, and general matters.
24: 902.3
   902.3 Definitions.
24: 902.5
   902.5 Applicability.
24: 902.9
   902.9 PHAS scoring.
24: 902.11
   902.11 PHAS performance designation.
24: 902.13
   902.13 Frequency of PHAS assessments.
24: B
Subpart B - Physical Condition Indicator
24: 902.20
   902.20 Physical condition assessment.
24: 902.21
   902.21 Physical condition standards for public housing - decent, safe, and sanitary housing in good repair (DSS/GR).
24: 902.22
   902.22 Physical inspection of PHA projects.
24: 902.24
   902.24 Database adjustment.
24: 902.25
   902.25 Physical condition scoring and thresholds.
24: 902.26
   902.26 Physical Inspection Report.
24: C
Subpart C - Financial Condition Indicator
24: 902.30
   902.30 Financial condition assessment.
24: 902.33
   902.33 Financial reporting requirements.
24: 902.35
   902.35 Financial condition scoring and thresholds.
24: D
Subpart D - Management Operations Indicator
24: 902.40
   902.40 Management operations assessment.
24: 902.43
   902.43 Management operations performance standards.
24: 902.44
   902.44 Adjustment for physical condition and neighborhood environment.
24: 902.45
   902.45 Management operations scoring and thresholds.
24: E
Subpart E - Capital Fund Program Indicator
24: 902.50
   902.50 Capital Fund program assessment.
24: 902.53
   902.53 Capital Fund program scoring and thresholds.
24: F
Subpart F - PHAS Scoring
24: 902.60
   902.60 Data collection.
24: 902.62
   902.62 Failure to submit data.
24: 902.64
   902.64 PHAS scoring and audit reviews.
24: 902.66
   902.66 Withholding, denying, and rescinding designation.
24: 902.68
   902.68 Technical review of results of PHAS physical condition indicator.
24: 902.69
   902.69 PHA right of petition and appeal.
24: G
Subpart G - PHAS Incentives and Remedies
24: 902.71
   902.71 Incentives for high performers.
24: 902.73
   902.73 PHAs with deficiencies.
24: 902.75
   902.75 Troubled performers.
24: 902.79
   902.79 Verification and records.
24: 902.81
   902.81 Resident petitions for remedial action.
24: 902.83
   902.83 Sanctions for troubled performer PHAs.