Title 24


Subpart A - General Program Requirements

24: 891.100
   891.100 Purpose and policy.
24: 891.105
   891.105 Definitions.
24: 891.110
   891.110 Allocation of authority.
24: 891.115
   891.115 Notice of funding availability.
24: 891.120
   891.120 Project design and cost standards.
24: 891.125
   891.125 Site and neighborhood standards.
24: 891.130
   891.130 Prohibited relationships.
24: 891.135
   891.135 Amount and terms of capital advances.
24: 891.140
   891.140 Development cost limits.
24: 891.145
   891.145 Owner deposit (Minimum Capital Investment).
24: 891.150
   891.150 Operating cost standards.
24: 891.155
   891.155 Other Federal requirements.
24: 891.160
   891.160 Audit requirements.
24: 891.165
   891.165 Duration of capital advance.
24: 891.170
   891.170 Repayment of capital advance.
24: 891.175
   891.175 Technical assistance.
24: 891.180
   891.180 Physical condition standards; physical inspection requirements.
24: 891.185
   891.185 Preemption of rent control laws.
24: 891.190
   891.190 Emergency transfers for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.