Title 24

PART 761

Part 761 - Drug Elimination Programs

PART 761 - DRUG ELIMINATION PROGRAMS Authority:42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 11901 et seq. Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to part 761 appear at 64 FR 49917, Sept. 14, 1999. Source:61 FR 13987, Mar. 28, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

24: A
Subpart A - General
24: 761.1
   761.1 Purpose and scope.
24: 761.5
   761.5 Public housing; encouragement of resident participation.
24: 761.10
   761.10 Definitions.
24: B
Subpart B - Grant Funding
24: 761.13
   761.13 Amount of funding.
24: 761.15
   761.15 Qualifying for funding.
24: 761.17
   761.17 Eligible and ineligible activities for funding.
24: C
Subpart C - Application and Selection
24: 761.20
   761.20 Selection requirements.
24: 761.21
   761.21 Plan requirement.
24: 761.23
   761.23 Grantee performance requirements.
24: 761.25
   761.25 Resident comments on grant application.
24: D
Subpart D - Grant Administration
24: 761.30
   761.30 Grant administration.
24: 761.35
   761.35 Periodic grantee reports.
24: 761.40
   761.40 Other Federal requirements.