Title 24


Part 40 - Accessibility Standards For Design, Construction, And Alteration Of Publicly Owned Residential Structures

PART 40 - ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS FOR DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND ALTERATION OF PUBLICLY OWNED RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES Authority:42 U.S.C. 3535(d), 4153. Source:36 FR 24437, Dec. 22, 1971, unless otherwise noted.

24: 40.1
   40.1 Purpose.
24: 40.2
   40.2 Definition of “residential structure”.
24: 40.3
   40.3 Applicability.
24: 40.4
   40.4 Standards.
24: 40.5
   40.5 [Reserved]
24: 40.6
   40.6 Records.
24: 40.7
   40.7 Availability of Accessibility Standards.