Title 24

PART 291

Part 291 - Disposition Of Hud-acquired And -owned Single Family Property

PART 291 - DISPOSITION OF HUD-ACQUIRED AND -OWNED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY Authority:12 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 1441, 1441a, 1551a, and 3535(d). Source:56 FR 46956, Sept. 16, 1991, unless otherwise noted.

24: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
24: 291.1
   291.1 Purpose and general requirements.
24: 291.5
   291.5 Definitions.
24: 291.10
   291.10 General policy regarding rental of acquired property.
24: B
Subpart B - Disposition by Sale
24: 291.90
   291.90 Sales methods.
24: 291.100
   291.100 General policy on HUD acquisition, ownership, and disposition of real estate assets.
24: C
Subpart C - Sales Procedures
24: 291.200
   291.200 Future REO acquisition method.
24: 291.205
   291.205 Competitive sales of individual properties.
24: 291.210
   291.210 Direct sales procedures.
24: D
Subpart D - Sale of HUD-Held Single Family Mortgage Loans
24: 291.301
   291.301 Definitions.
24: 291.302
   291.302 Purpose and general policy.
24: 291.303
   291.303 Eligible bidders.
24: 291.304
   291.304 Bidding process.
24: 291.305
   291.305 Selection of bids and execution of Loan Sale Agreement.
24: 291.306
   291.306 Closing requirements.
24: 291.307
   291.307 Servicing requirements.
24: E
Subpart E - Lease and Sale of HUD-Acquired Single Family Properties for the Homeless
24: 291.400
   291.400 Purpose and scope.
24: 291.405
   291.405 Definitions.
24: 291.415
   291.415 Lease with option to purchase properties for use by the homeless.
24: 291.430
   291.430 Elimination of lead-based paint hazards.
24: 291.435
   291.435 Applicability of other Federal requirements.
24: 291.440
   291.440 Recordkeeping requirements.
24: F
Subpart F - Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program
24: 291.500
   291.500 Purpose.
24: 291.505
   291.505 Definitions.
24: 291.510
   291.510 Overview of the GNND Sales Program.
24: 291.515
   291.515 Purchaser qualifications.
24: 291.520
   291.520 Eligible law enforcement officers.
24: 291.525
   291.525 Eligible teachers.
24: 291.530
   291.530 Eligible firefighter/emergency medical technicians.
24: 291.535
   291.535 Earnest money deposit.
24: 291.540
   291.540 Owner-occupancy term.
24: 291.545
   291.545 Financing purchase of the home.
24: 291.550
   291.550 Second mortgage.
24: 291.555
   291.555 Refinancing.
24: 291.560
   291.560 Ineligibility of multiple-unit properties.
24: 291.565
   291.565 Continuing obligations after purchase.