Title 24


Subpart A - Nonjudicial Foreclosure of Multifamily Mortgages

24: 27.1
   27.1 Purpose.
24: 27.2
   27.2 Scope and applicability.
24: 27.3
   27.3 Definitions.
24: 27.5
   27.5 Prerequisites to foreclosure.
24: 27.10
   27.10 Designation of a foreclosure commissioner.
24: 27.15
   27.15 Notice of default and foreclosure sale.
24: 27.20
   27.20 Conditions of foreclosure sale.
24: 27.25
   27.25 Termination or adjournment of foreclosure sale.
24: 27.30
   27.30 Conduct of the sale.
24: 27.35
   27.35 Foreclosure costs.
24: 27.40
   27.40 Disposition of sale proceeds.
24: 27.45
   27.45 Transfer of title and possession.
24: 27.50
   27.50 Management and disposition by the Secretary.