Title 24

PART 220

Part 220 - Mortgage Insurance And Insured Improvement Loans For Urban Renewal And Concentrated Development Areas

PART 220 - MORTGAGE INSURANCE AND INSURED IMPROVEMENT LOANS FOR URBAN RENEWAL AND CONCENTRATED DEVELOPMENT AREAS Authority:12 U.S.C. 1713, 1715b, 1715k, and 1735d; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d). Source:36 FR 24573, Dec. 22, 1971, unless otherwise noted.

24: A
Subpart A [Reserved]
24: B
Subpart B - Contract Rights and Obligations - Homes
24: 158
   Insured Home Improvement Loans
24: 220.251
   220.251 Cross-reference.
24: 220.252
   220.252 Forbearance of foreclosure and assignment of mortgage.
24: 220.253
   220.253 Substitute mortgagors.
24: 220.275
   220.275 Method of paying insurance benefits.
24: 220.350
   220.350 Cross-reference.
24: C
Subpart C - Eligibility Requirements - Projects
24: 220.501
   220.501 Eligibility requirements.
24: D
Subpart D - Contract Rights and Obligations - Projects
24: 159
   Project Mortgage Insurance
24: 220.751
   220.751 Cross-reference.
24: 220.753
   220.753 Forbearance relief.
24: 220.765
   220.765 Special insurance benefits - forbearance relief cases.
24: 160
   Insured Project Improvement Loans
24: 220.800
   220.800 Definitions.
24: 220.801
   220.801 Initial insurance endorsement.
24: 220.802
   220.802 Final insurance endorsement.
24: 220.803
   220.803 Effect of insurance endorsement.
24: 220.804
   220.804 Insurance premiums.
24: 220.804a
   220.804a Mortgagee's late charge.
24: 220.805
   220.805 Termination of insurance.
24: 220.806
   220.806 Pro rata refund of insurance premium.
24: 220.810
   220.810 Definition of default.
24: 220.811
   220.811 Date of default.
24: 220.812
   220.812 Notice of default.
24: 220.813
   220.813 Commissioner's right to require acceleration.
24: 220.814
   220.814 Election of action.
24: 220.820
   220.820 Maximum claim period.
24: 220.821
   220.821 Items to be filed on submitting claim.
24: 220.822
   220.822 Claim computation; items included.
24: 220.823
   220.823 Claim computation; items deducted.
24: 220.830
   220.830 Debenture interest rate.
24: 220.832
   220.832 Maturity of debentures.
24: 220.834
   220.834 Registration of debentures.
24: 220.836
   220.836 Form and amounts of debentures.
24: 220.838
   220.838 Redemption of debentures.
24: 220.840
   220.840 Issue date of debentures.
24: 220.842
   220.842 Cash adjustment.
24: 220.850
   220.850 Assignment of insured loans.
24: E
Subpart E - Servicing Responsibilities - Homes
24: 220.900
   220.900 Cross-reference.