24: | SECTION 180.400
| 180.400 Service and filing. | |
24: | SECTION 180.405
| 180.405 Time computations. | |
24: | SECTION 180.410
| 180.410 Charges under the Fair Housing Act. | |
24: | SECTION 180.415
| 180.415 Notice of proposed adverse action regarding Federal financial assistance in non-Fair Housing Act matters. | |
24: | SECTION 180.420
| 180.420 Answer. | |
24: | SECTION 180.425
| 180.425 Amendments to pleadings. | |
24: | SECTION 180.430
| 180.430 Motions. | |
24: | SECTION 180.435
| 180.435 Prehearing statements. | |
24: | SECTION 180.440
| 180.440 Prehearing conferences. | |
24: | SECTION 180.445
| 180.445 Settlement negotiations before a settlement judge. | |
24: | SECTION 180.450
| 180.450 Resolution of charge or notice of proposed adverse action. | |