Title 22

PART 903

Part 903 - Initiation And Documentation Of Cases

PART 903 - INITIATION AND DOCUMENTATION OF CASES Authority:Secs. 610, 1104, and 1106-1109 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, Pub. L. 96-465 (22 U.S.C. 4010, 4134, and 4136-4139), as amended. Source:50 FR 31354, Aug. 2, 1985, unless otherwise noted.

22: 903.1
   903.1 Initiation of cases.
22: 903.2
   903.2 Record of proceedings.
22: 903.3
   903.3 Rulings on materials.
22: 903.4
   903.4 Participation of exclusive representative.
22: 903.5
   903.5 Service of documents.
22: 903.6
   903.6 Interrogatories.
22: 903.7
   903.7 Acknowledgment.
22: 903.8
   903.8 Withdrawal.
22: 903.9
   903.9 Access to records.
22: 903.10
   903.10 Access to witnesses.