Title 22

PART 513

Part 513 - Government Debarment And Suspension (nonprocurement) And Governmentwide Requirements For Drug-free Workplace (grants)

PART 513 - GOVERNMENT DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) AND GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTS) Authority:40 U.S.C. 486 (c); 41 U.S.C. 701 et seq.; Sec. 2455, Pub. L. 103-355, 108 Stat. 3327 (31 U.S.C. 6101 note); E. O. 12549, 3 CFR, 1986 Comp., p. 189; E.O. 12689, 3 CFR, 1989 comp., p. 235. Source:53 FR 19179, 19204, May 26, 1988, unless otherwise noted. Cross Reference:

See also Office of Management and Budget notice published at 55 FR 21679, May 25, 1990, and 60 FR 33036, June 26, 1995.

22: A
Subpart A - General
22: 513.100
   513.100 Purpose.
22: 513.105
   513.105 Definitions.
22: 513.110
   513.110 Coverage.
22: 513.115
   513.115 Policy.
22: B
Subpart B - Effect of Action
22: 513.200
   513.200 Debarment or suspension.
22: 513.205
   513.205 Ineligible persons.
22: 513.210
   513.210 Voluntary exclusion.
22: 513.215
   513.215 Exception provision.
22: 513.220
   513.220 Continuation of covered transactions.
22: 513.225
   513.225 Failure to adhere to restrictions.
22: C
Subpart C - Debarment
22: 513.300
   513.300 General.
22: 513.305
   513.305 Causes for debarment.
22: 513.310
   513.310 Procedures.
22: 513.311
   513.311 Investigation and referral.
22: 513.312
   513.312 Notice of proposed debarment.
22: 513.313
   513.313 Opportunity to contest proposed debarment.
22: 513.314
   513.314 Debarring official's decision.
22: 513.315
   513.315 Settlement and voluntary exclusion.
22: 513.320
   513.320 Period of debarment.
22: 513.325
   513.325 Scope of debarment.
22: D
Subpart D - Suspension
22: 513.400
   513.400 General.
22: 513.405
   513.405 Causes for suspension.
22: 513.410
   513.410 Procedures.
22: 513.411
   513.411 Notice of suspension.
22: 513.412
   513.412 Opportunity to contest suspension.
22: 513.413
   513.413 Suspending official's decision.
22: 513.415
   513.415 Period of suspension.
22: 513.420
   513.420 Scope of suspension.
22: E
Subpart E - Responsibilities of GSA, Board and Participants
22: 513.500
   513.500 GSA responsibilities.
22: 513.505
   513.505 Broadcasting Board of Governors responsibilities.
22: 513.510
   513.510 Participants' responsibilities.
22: F
Subpart F - Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Grants)
22: 513.600
   513.600 Purpose.
22: 513.605
   513.605 Definitions.
22: 513.610
   513.610 Coverage.
22: 513.615
   513.615 Grounds for suspension of payments, suspension or termination of grants, or suspension or debarment.
22: 513.620
   513.620 Effect of violation.
22: 513.625
   513.625 Exception provision.
22: 513.630
   513.630 Certification requirements and procedures.
22: 513.635
   513.635 Reporting of and employee sanctions for convictions of criminal drug offenses.
22: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 513 - Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions
22: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 513 - Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions
22: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Part 513 - Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements