Title 22

PART 511

Part 511 - Federal Tort Claims Procedure

PART 511 - FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS PROCEDURE Authority:5 U.S.C. 301. Source:34 FR 20430, Dec. 31, 1969, unless otherwise noted.

22: 511.1
   511.1 Definitions.
22: 511.2
   511.2 Scope of regulations.
22: 511.3
   511.3 Exceptions.
22: 511.4
   511.4 Administrative claim; when presented.
22: 511.5
   511.5 Who may file claim.
22: 511.6
   511.6 Board authority to adjust, determine, compromise, and settle claims and limitations upon that authority.
22: 511.7
   511.7 Investigations.
22: 511.8
   511.8 Limitations.
22: 511.9
   511.9 Supporting evidence.
22: 511.10
   511.10 Settlement of claim.
22: 511.11
   511.11 Acceptance of award.
22: 511.12
   511.12 When litigation is involved in claim.