Title 22

PART 507

Part 507 - Rules For Implementing Open Meetings Under The Sunshine Act For The Broadcasting Board Of Governors

PART 507 - RULES FOR IMPLEMENTING OPEN MEETINGS UNDER THE SUNSHINE ACT FOR THE BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS Authority:Pub. L. 93-129, 87 Stat. 956, 5 U.S.C. 552b. Source:67 FR 76112, Dec. 11, 2002, unless otherwise noted.

22: 507.1
   507.1 General policies.
22: 507.2
   507.2 Definitions.
22: 507.3
   507.3 Requirement for open meetings.
22: 507.4
   507.4 Grounds on which meetings may be closed.
22: 507.5
   507.5 Procedures for announcing meetings.
22: 507.6
   507.6 Procedures for closing meetings.
22: 507.7
   507.7 Reconsideration of opening or closing a meeting.
22: 507.8
   507.8 Recording keeping of closed meetings.