Title 22

PART 506

Part 506 - Part-time Career Employment Program

PART 506 - PART-TIME CAREER EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Authority:5 U.S.C. 3401 (note and 3402). Source:44 FR 63098, Nov. 2, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

22: 506.1
   506.1 Purpose of program.
22: 506.2
   506.2 Review of positions.
22: 506.3
   506.3 Establishing and converting part-time positions.
22: 506.4
   506.4 Annual goals and timetables.
22: 506.5
   506.5 Review and evaluation.
22: 506.6
   506.6 Publicizing vacancies.
22: 506.7
   506.7 Exceptions.