Title 22

PART 505

Part 505 - Privacy Act Regulation

PART 505 - PRIVACY ACT REGULATION Authority:Pub. L. 93-579, 88 Stat. 1897; 5 U.S.C. 552a. Source:67 FR 8875, Feb. 27, 2002, unless otherwise noted.

22: 505.1
   505.1 Purpose and scope.
22: 505.2
   505.2 Definitions.
22: 505.3
   505.3 Procedures for requests.
22: 505.4
   505.4 Requirements and identification for making requests.
22: 505.5
   505.5 Disclosure of information.
22: 505.6
   505.6 Medical records.
22: 505.7
   505.7 Correction or amendment of record.
22: 505.8
   505.8 Agency review of requests for changes.
22: 505.9
   505.9 Review of adverse agency determination.
22: 505.10
   505.10 Disclosure to third parties.
22: 505.11
   505.11 Fees.
22: 505.12
   505.12 Civil remedies and criminal penalties.
22: 505.13
   505.13 General exemptions (Subsection (j)).
22: 505.14
   505.14 Specific exemptions (Subsection (k)).
22: 505.15
   505.15 Exempt systems of records used.