Title 22

PART 502

Part 502 - Domestic Requests For Broadcasting Board Of Governors Program Materials

PART 502 - DOMESTIC REQUESTS FOR BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS PROGRAM MATERIALS Authority:22 U.S.C. 1461, 1461-1a. Source:78 FR 39585, July 2, 2013, unless otherwise noted.

22: 502.1
   502.1 Authority and scope.
22: 502.2
   502.2 Definitions.
22: 502.3
   502.3 Availability of program materials on public Web sites.
22: 502.4
   502.4 Media or organization one-time requests for broadcast quality agency program materials.
22: 502.5
   502.5 Media or organization requests for ongoing subscriptions to broadcast quality agency program materials
22: 502.6
   502.6 Terms of use for accessing program materials available on agency Web sites.
22: 502.7
   502.7 Denial of requests.
22: 502.8
   502.8 Fees.