Title 22

PART 313

Part 313 - Guidance Procedures

PART 313 - GUIDANCE PROCEDURES Authority:22 U.S.C. 2501 et seq. Source:85 FR 73419, Nov. 18, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

22: 313.1
   313.1 General; definition of “guidance documents” covered by this part.
22: 313.2
   313.2 Guidance documents; required elements.
22: 313.3
   313.3 Public access to guidance documents.
22: 313.4
   313.4 Definition of “significant guidance document.”
22: 313.5
   313.5 Procedures for guidance documents identified as “significant.”
22: 313.6
   313.6 Notice-and-comment procedures.
22: 313.7
   313.7 Petition procedures for withdrawal or modification of a guidance document.
22: 313.8
   313.8 No judicial review or enforceable rights.