Title 22

PART 304

Part 304 - Claims Against Government Under Federal Tort Claims Act

PART 304 - CLAIMS AGAINST GOVERNMENT UNDER FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS ACT Authority:28 U.S.C. 2672; 22 U.S.C. 2503(b); E.O. 12137, as amended. Source:34 FR 5840, Mar. 28, 1969, unless otherwise noted.

22: 1
   General Provisions
22: 304.1
   304.1 Scope; definitions.
22: 2
22: 304.2
   304.2 Administrative claim; when presented; appropriate Peace Corps Office.
22: 304.3
   304.3 Administrative claim; who may file.
22: 304.4
   304.4 Administrative claim; evidence and information to be submitted.
22: 304.5
   304.5 Investigations.
22: 304.6
   304.6 Claims investigation.
22: 304.7
   304.7 Authority to adjust, determine, compromise, and settle claims.
22: 304.8
   304.8 Limitations on authority.
22: 304.9
   304.9 Referral to the Department of Justice.
22: 304.10
   304.10 Review of claim.
22: 304.11
   304.11 Final denial of claim.
22: 304.12
   304.12 Action on approved claim.