Title 22

PART 1507

Part 1507 - Rules Safeguarding Personal Information

PART 1507 - RULES SAFEGUARDING PERSONAL INFORMATION Authority:5 U.S.C. 522a. Source:53 FR 40411, Oct. 17, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

22: 1507.1
   1507.1 Purpose.
22: 1507.2
   1507.2 General policies.
22: 1507.3
   1507.3 Definitions.
22: 1507.4
   1507.4 Conditions of disclosure.
22: 1507.5
   1507.5 Accounting for disclosure of records.
22: 1507.6
   1507.6 Access to records.
22: 1507.7
   1507.7 Contents of records systems.
22: 1507.8
   1507.8 Fees.
22: 1507.9
   1507.9 Judicial review.
22: 1507.10
   1507.10 Exemptions.
22: 1507.11
   1507.11 Mailing list.
22: 1507.12
   1507.12 Criminal penalties.
22: 1507.13
   1507.13 Reports.