Title 22


Subpart C - Administrative Offset

22: 1506.20
   1506.20 When and how will USADF collect past due debt through administrative offset
22: 1506.21
   1506.21 I am a USADF employee; when will the Agency offset my salary to satisfy a debt against me
22: 1506.22
   1506.22 Am I entitled to notice and hearing prior to salary offset
22: 1506.23
   1506.23 Will the debt be collected in a lump sum or by installment deductions from my pay account
22: 1506.24
   1506.24 Are there any limitations on the amount of salary deduction
22: 1506.25
   1506.25 When will deduction from my pay account begin
22: 1506.26
   1506.26 What happens if my employment with USADF ends prior to repaying the full amount of my debt
22: 1506.27
   1506.27 How are interest, penalty, and administrative costs assessed
22: 1506.28
   1506.28 Will I receive a refund if the claim against me is found to be without merit
22: 1506.29
   1506.29 Is there a time limit for initiating collection by salary offset
22: 1506.30
   1506.30 Can USADF use salary offset means to collect a claim against me if USADF is not the creditor agency