Title 22
PART 1501
Part 1501 - Organization
- Authority: 22 U.S.C. 290h; 5 U.S.C. 552.
- Source: 50 FR 18861, May 3, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
22: | SUBJGRP 19 | Substantive Rule of General Applicability | |
22: | SECTION 1501.1 | 1501.1 Introduction. | |
22: | SECTION 1501.2 | 1501.2 Background. | |
22: | SECTION 1501.3 | 1501.3 Description of central organization and location of offices. | |
22: | SECTION 1501.4 | 1501.4 Availability of information pertaining to Foundation operations. | |
22: | SECTION 1501.5 | 1501.5 Substantive rules of general applicability. |