Title 22

PART 1500

Part 1500 - Sunshine Regulations

PART 1500 - SUNSHINE REGULATIONS Authority:5 U.S.C. 552b. Source:48 FR 55842, Dec. 16, 1983, unless otherwise noted.

22: 1500.1
   1500.1 Purpose and scope.
22: 1500.2
   1500.2 Policy.
22: 1500.3
   1500.3 Definitions.
22: 1500.4
   1500.4 Open meetings.
22: 1500.5
   1500.5 Grounds on which meetings may be closed.
22: 1500.6
   1500.6 Procedure for announcing meetings.
22: 1500.7
   1500.7 Procedure for closing meetings.
22: 1500.8
   1500.8 Changing the time and place of, and reconsideration of opening or closing a meeting.
22: 1500.9
   1500.9 Transcripts, recording of closed meetings.