Title 22

PART 1002

Part 1002 - Availability Of Records

PART 1002 - AVAILABILITY OF RECORDS Authority:5 U.S.C. 552, and 31 U.S.C. 483(a). Source:37 FR 8375, Apr. 26, 1972, unless otherwise noted.

22: 1002.1
   1002.1 Introduction.
22: 1002.2
   1002.2 Definitions.
22: 1002.3
   1002.3 Access to Foundation records.
22: 1002.4
   1002.4 Written requests.
22: 1002.5
   1002.5 Records available at the Foundation.
22: 1002.6
   1002.6 Records of other Departments and Agencies.
22: 1002.7
   1002.7 Fees.
22: 1002.8
   1002.8 Exemptions.
22: 1002.9
   1002.9 Denial of records; review.