Title 20


Subpart B - Authorization of Insurance Carriers

20: 703.101
   703.101 Types of companies which may be authorized by the OWCP.
20: 703.102
   703.102 Applications for authority to write insurance; how filed; evidence to be submitted; other requirements.
20: 703.103
   703.103 Stock companies holding Treasury certificates of authority.
20: 703.104
   703.104 Applicants currently authorized to write insurance under the extensions of the LHWCA.
20: 703.105
   703.105 Copies of forms of policies to be submitted with application.
20: 703.106
   703.106 Certificate of authority to write insurance.
20: 703.108
   703.108 Period of authority to write insurance.
20: 703.109
   703.109 Longshoremen's endorsement; see succeeding parts for endorsements for extensions.
20: 703.110
   703.110 Other forms of endorsements and policies.
20: 703.111
   703.111 Submission of new forms of policies for approval; other endorsements.
20: 703.112
   703.112 Terms of policies.
20: 703.113
   703.113 Marine insurance contracts.
20: 703.114
   703.114 Notice of cancellation.
20: 703.115
   703.115 Discharge by the carrier of obligations and duties of employer.
20: 703.116
   703.116 Report by carrier of issuance of policy or endorsement.
20: 703.117
   703.117 Report; by whom sent.
20: 703.118
   703.118 Agreement to be bound by report.
20: 703.119
   703.119 [Reserved]
20: 703.120
   703.120 Name of one employer only in each report.