Title 20

PART 688

Part 688 - Provisions Governing The Youthbuild Program

PART 688 - PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE YOUTHBUILD PROGRAM Authority:Secs. 171, 189, 503, Pub. L. 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (Jul. 22, 2014). Source:81 FR 56460, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

20: A
Subpart A - Purpose and Definitions
20: 688.100
   688.100 What is YouthBuild
20: 688.110
   688.110 What are the purposes of the YouthBuild program
20: 688.120
   688.120 What definitions apply to this part
20: B
Subpart B - Funding and Grant Applications
20: 688.200
   688.200 How are YouthBuild grants funded and administered
20: 688.210
   688.210 How does an eligible entity apply for grant funds to operate a YouthBuild program
20: 688.220
   688.220 How are eligible entities selected to receive grant funds
20: 688.230
   688.230 What are the minimum requirements to apply for YouthBuild funds
20: 688.240
   688.240 How are eligible entities notified of approval for grant funds
20: C
Subpart C - Program Requirements
20: 688.300
   688.300 Who is an eligible participant
20: 688.310
   688.310 Are there special rules that apply to veterans
20: 688.320
   688.320 What eligible activities may be funded under the YouthBuild program
20: 688.330
   688.330 What level of training qualifies a construction project as a qualifying work site under the YouthBuild program
20: 688.340
   688.340 What timeframes apply to participation
20: 688.350
   688.350 What timeframes must be devoted to education and workforce investment or other activities
20: 688.360
   688.360 What timeframes apply to follow-up services
20: 688.370
   688.370 What are the requirements for exit from the YouthBuild program
20: 688.380
   688.380 What is the role of the YouthBuild grantee in the one-stop delivery system
20: D
Subpart D - Performance Indicators
20: 688.400
   688.400 What are the performance indicators for YouthBuild grants
20: 688.410
   688.410 What are the required levels of performance for the performance indicators
20: 688.420
   688.420 What are the reporting requirements for YouthBuild grantees
20: 688.430
   688.430 What are the due dates for quarterly reporting
20: E
Subpart E - Administrative Rules, Costs, and Limitations
20: 688.500
   688.500 What administrative regulations apply to the YouthBuild program
20: 688.510
   688.510 How may grantees provide services under the YouthBuild program
20: 688.520
   688.520 What cost limits apply to the use of YouthBuild program funds
20: 688.530
   688.530 What are the cost-sharing or matching requirements of the YouthBuild program
20: 688.540
   688.540 What are considered to be leveraged funds
20: 688.550
   688.550 How are the costs associated with real property treated in the YouthBuild program
20: 688.560
   688.560 What participant costs are allowable under the YouthBuild program
20: 688.570
   688.570 Does the Department allow incentive payments in the YouthBuild program
20: 688.580
   688.580 What effect do payments to YouthBuild participants have on eligibility for other Federal needs-based benefits
20: 688.590
   688.590 What program income requirements apply under the YouthBuild program
20: 688.600
   688.600 Are YouthBuild programs subject to the Davis-Bacon Act labor standards
20: 688.610
   688.610 What are the recordkeeping requirements for YouthBuild programs
20: F
Subpart F - Additional Requirements
20: 688.700
   688.700 What are the safety requirements for the YouthBuild program
20: 688.710
   688.710 What are the reporting requirements for youth safety
20: 688.720
   688.720 What environmental protection laws apply to the YouthBuild program
20: 688.730
   688.730 What requirements apply to YouthBuild housing