Title 20

PART 685

Part 685 - National Farmworker Jobs Program Under Title I Of The Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act

PART 685 - NATIONAL FARMWORKER JOBS PROGRAM UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INNOVATION AND OPPORTUNITY ACT Authority:Secs. 167, 189, 503, Public Law 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (Jul. 22, 2014). Source:81 FR 56438, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

20: A
Subpart A - Purpose and Definitions
20: 685.100
   685.100 What is the purpose of the National Farmworker Jobs Program and the other services and activities established under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 685.110
   685.110 What definitions apply to this program
20: 685.120
   685.120 How does the Department administer the National Farmworker Jobs Program
20: 685.130
   685.130 How does the Department assist grantees to serve eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers
20: 685.140
   685.140 What Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) regulations apply to the programs authorized under WIOA
20: B
Subpart B - The Service Delivery System for the National Farmworker Jobs Program
20: 685.200
   685.200 Who is eligible to receive a National Farmworker Jobs Program grant
20: 685.210
   685.210 How does an eligible entity become a grantee
20: 685.220
   685.220 What is the role of the grantee in the one-stop delivery system
20: 685.230
   685.230 Can a grantee's designation be terminated
20: 685.240
   685.240 How does the Department use funds appropriated under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act for the National Farmworker Jobs Program
20: C
Subpart C - The National Farmworker Jobs Program Services to Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers
20: 685.300
   685.300 What are the general responsibilities of grantees
20: 685.310
   685.310 What are the basic components of a National Farmworker Jobs Program service delivery strategy
20: 685.320
   685.320 Who is eligible to receive services under the National Farmworker Jobs Program
20: 685.330
   685.330 How are services delivered to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers
20: 685.340
   685.340 What career services may grantees provide to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers
20: 685.350
   685.350 What training services may grantees provide to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers
20: 685.360
   685.360 What housing services may grantees provide to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers
20: 685.370
   685.370 What services may grantees provide to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers youth participants aged 14-24
20: 685.380
   685.380 What related assistance services may be provided to eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers
20: 685.390
   685.390 When may eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers receive related assistance
20: D
Subpart D - Performance Accountability, Planning, and Waiver Provisions
20: 685.400
   685.400 What are the indicators of performance that apply to the National Farmworker Jobs Program
20: 685.410
   685.410 What planning documents must a grantee submit
20: 685.420
   685.420 What information is required in the grantee program plan
20: 685.430
   685.430 Under what circumstances are the terms of the grantee's program plan modified by the grantee or the Department
20: 685.440
   685.440 How are costs classified under the National Farmworker Jobs Program
20: 685.450
   685.450 What is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act administrative cost limit for National Farmworker Jobs Program grants
20: 685.460
   685.460 Are there regulatory and/or statutory waiver provisions that apply to the National Farmworker Jobs Program
20: 685.470
   685.470 How can grantees request a waiver
20: E
Subpart E - Supplemental Youth Workforce Investment Activity Funding Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 685.500
   685.500 What is supplemental youth workforce investment activity funding
20: 685.510
   685.510 What requirements apply to grants funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 685.520
   685.520 What is the application process for obtaining a grant funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 685.530
   685.530 What planning documents are required for grants funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 685.540
   685.540 How are funds allocated to grants funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 685.550
   685.550 Who is eligible to receive services through grants funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act