Title 20


Subpart G - Sanctions, Corrective Actions, and Waiver of Liability

20: 683.700
   683.700 When can the Secretary impose sanctions and corrective actions on recipients and subrecipients of title I Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds
20: 683.710
   683.710 Who is responsible for funds provided under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the Wagner-Peyser Act
20: 683.720
   683.720 What actions are required to address the failure of a local area to comply with the applicable uniform administrative provisions
20: 683.730
   683.730 When can the Secretary waive the imposition of sanctions
20: 683.740
   683.740 What is the procedure to handle a recipient of title I Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds' request for advance approval of contemplated corrective actions
20: 683.750
   683.750 What procedure must be used for administering the offset/deduction provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act