Title 20
Subpart E - Pay-for-Performance Contract Strategies
- Secs. 102, 116, 121, 127, 128, 132, 133, 147, 167, 169, 171, 181, 185, 189, 195, 503, Public Law 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (Jul. 22, 2014). -
- 81 FR 56410, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
20: | SECTION 683.500 | 683.500 What is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Pay-for-Performance contract strategy | |
20: | SECTION 683.510 | 683.510 What is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Pay-for-Performance contract | |
20: | SECTION 683.520 | 683.520 What funds can be used to support Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Pay-for-Performance contract strategies | |
20: | SECTION 683.530 | 683.530 How long are funds used for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Pay-for-Performance contract strategies available | |
20: | SECTION 683.540 | 683.540 What is the State's role in assisting local areas in using Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Pay-for-Performance contract strategies |