Title 20

PART 682

Part 682 - Statewide Activities Under Title I Of The Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act

PART 682 - STATEWIDE ACTIVITIES UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INNOVATION AND OPPORTUNITY ACT Authority:Secs. 129, 134, 189, 503, Pub. L. 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (Jul. 22, 2014). Source:81 FR 56406, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

20: A
Subpart A - General Description
20: 682.100
   682.100 What are the statewide employment and training activities under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 682.110
   682.110 How are statewide employment and training activities funded
20: B
Subpart B - Required and Allowable Statewide Employment and Training Activities
20: 682.200
   682.200 What are required statewide employment and training activities
20: 682.210
   682.210 What are allowable statewide employment and training activities
20: 682.220
   682.220 What are States' responsibilities in regard to evaluations
20: C
Subpart C - Rapid Response Activities
20: 682.300
   682.300 What is rapid response, and what is its purpose
20: 682.302
   682.302 Under what circumstances must rapid response services be delivered
20: 682.305
   682.305 How does the Department define the term “mass layoff” for the purposes of rapid response
20: 682.310
   682.310 Who is responsible for carrying out rapid response activities
20: 682.320
   682.320 What is layoff aversion, and what are appropriate layoff aversion strategies and activities
20: 682.330
   682.330 What rapid response activities are required
20: 682.340
   682.340 May other activities be undertaken as part of rapid response
20: 682.350
   682.350 What is meant by “provision of additional assistance” in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 682.360
   682.360 What rapid response, layoff aversion, or other information will States be required to report to the Employment and Training Administration
20: 682.370
   682.370 What are the statewide activities for which rapid response funds remaining unobligated after the first program year for which the funds were allotted may be used by the State