Title 20

PART 679

Part 679 - Statewide And Local Governance Of The Workforce Development System Under Title I Of The Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act

PART 679 - STATEWIDE AND LOCAL GOVERNANCE OF THE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INNOVATION AND OPPORTUNITY ACT Authority:Secs. 101, 106, 107, 108, 189, 503, Public Law 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (Jul. 22, 2014). Source:81 FR 56371, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

20: A
Subpart A - State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.100
   679.100 What is the purpose of the State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.110
   679.110 What is the State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.120
   679.120 What is meant by the terms “optimum policy-making authority” and “demonstrated experience and expertise”
20: 679.130
   679.130 What are the functions of the State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.140
   679.140 How does the State Workforce Development Board meet its requirement to conduct business in an open manner under the “sunshine provision” of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 679.150
   679.150 Under what circumstances may the Governor select an alternative entity in place of the State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.160
   679.160 Under what circumstances may the State Workforce Development Board hire staff
20: B
Subpart B - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Local Governance (Workforce Development Areas)
20: 679.200
   679.200 What is the purpose of requiring States to identify regions
20: 679.210
   679.210 What are the requirements for identifying a region
20: 679.220
   679.220 What is the purpose of the local area
20: 679.230
   679.230 What are the general procedural requirements for designation of local areas
20: 679.240
   679.240 What are the substantive requirements for designation of local areas that were not designated as local areas under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998
20: 679.250
   679.250 What are the requirements for initial and subsequent designation of workforce development areas that had been designated as local areas under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998
20: 679.260
   679.260 What do the terms “performed successfully” and “sustained fiscal integrity” mean for purposes of designating local areas
20: 679.270
   679.270 What are the special designation provisions for single-area States
20: 679.280
   679.280 How does the State fulfill the requirement to provide assistance to local areas within a planning region that wish to redesignate into a single local area
20: 679.290
   679.290 What right does an entity have to appeal the Governor's decision rejecting a request for designation as a workforce development area
20: C
Subpart C - Local Workforce Development Boards
20: 679.300
   679.300 What is the vision and purpose of the Local Workforce Development Board
20: 679.310
   679.310 What is the Local Workforce Development Board
20: 679.320
   679.320 Who are the required members of the Local Workforce Development Board
20: 679.330
   679.330 Who must chair a Local Workforce Development Board
20: 679.340
   679.340 What is meant by the terms “optimum policy-making authority” and “demonstrated experience and expertise”
20: 679.350
   679.350 What criteria will be used to establish the membership of the Local Workforce Development Board
20: 679.360
   679.360 What is a standing committee, and what is its relationship to the Local Workforce Development Board
20: 679.370
   679.370 What are the functions of the Local Workforce Development Board
20: 679.380
   679.380 How does the Local Workforce Development Board satisfy the consumer choice requirements for career services and training services
20: 679.390
   679.390 How does the Local Workforce Development Board meet its requirement to conduct business in an open manner under the “sunshine provision” of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 679.400
   679.400 Who are the staff to the Local Workforce Development Board and what is their role
20: 679.410
   679.410 Under what conditions may a Local Workforce Development Board directly be a provider of career services, or training services, or act as a one-stop operator
20: 679.420
   679.420 What are the functions of the local fiscal agent
20: 679.430
   679.430 How do entities performing multiple functions in a local area demonstrate internal controls and prevent conflict of interest
20: D
Subpart D - Regional and Local Plan
20: 679.500
   679.500 What is the purpose of the regional and local plan
20: 679.510
   679.510 What are the requirements for regional planning
20: 679.520
   679.520 What are the requirements for approval of a regional plan
20: 679.530
   679.530 When must the regional plan be modified
20: 679.540
   679.540 How are local planning requirements reflected in a regional plan
20: 679.550
   679.550 What are the requirements for the development of the local plan
20: 679.560
   679.560 What are the contents of the local plan
20: 679.570
   679.570 What are the requirements for approval of a local plan
20: 679.580
   679.580 When must the local plan be modified
20: E
Subpart E - Waivers/WorkFlex (Workforce Flexibility Plan)
20: 679.600
   679.600 What is the purpose of the general statutory and regulatory waiver authority in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 679.610
   679.610 What provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the Wagner-Peyser Act may be waived, and what provisions may not be waived
20: 679.620
   679.620 Under what conditions may a Governor request, and the Secretary approve, a general waiver of statutory or regulatory requirements under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 679.630
   679.630 Under what conditions may the Governor submit a workforce flexibility plan
20: 679.640
   679.640 What limitations apply to the State's workforce flexibility plan authority under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act