Title 20


Subpart E - Administrative Rules, Costs, and Limitations

20: 672.500
   672.500 What administrative regulations apply to the YouthBuild program
20: 672.505
   672.505 How may grantees provide services under the YouthBuild program
20: 672.510
   672.510 What cost limits apply to the use of YouthBuild program funds
20: 672.515
   672.515 What are the cost-sharing or matching requirements of the YouthBuild program
20: 672.520
   672.520 What are considered to be leveraged funds
20: 672.525
   672.525 How are the costs associated with real property treated in the YouthBuild program
20: 672.530
   672.530 What participant costs are allowable under the YouthBuild program
20: 672.535
   672.535 What effect do payments to YouthBuild participants have on eligibility for other Federal need-based benefits
20: 672.540
   672.540 What program income requirements apply under the YouthBuild program
20: 672.545
   672.545 Are YouthBuild programs subject to the Davis-Bacon Act labor standards
20: 672.550
   672.550 What are the recordkeeping requirements for YouthBuild programs