Title 20

PART 671

Part 671 - National Emergency Grants For Dislocated Workers

PART 671 - NATIONAL EMERGENCY GRANTS FOR DISLOCATED WORKERS Authority:Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220; 20 U.S.C. 9276(c). Source:65 FR 49460, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

20: 671.100
   671.100 What is the purpose of national emergency grants under WIA section 173
20: 671.105
   671.105 What funds are available for national emergency grants
20: 671.110
   671.110 What are major economic dislocations or other events which may qualify for a national emergency grant
20: 671.120
   671.120 Who is eligible to apply for national emergency grants
20: 671.125
   671.125 What are the requirements for submitting applications for national emergency grants
20: 671.130
   671.130 When should applications for national emergency grants be submitted to the Department
20: 671.140
   671.140 What are the allowable activities and what dislocated workers may be served under national emergency grants
20: 671.150
   671.150 How do statutory and workflex waivers apply to national emergency grants
20: 671.160
   671.160 What rapid response activities are required before a national emergency grant application is submitted
20: 671.170
   671.170 What are the program and administrative requirements that apply to national emergency grants